A complete solution for clinical management system that Includes; patient register, appointment manager, diagnosis details, prescription, Billing, track of issued drugs, Standalone and network versions.
ABSOLUTE LEADER Many medical and dental clinics use medisoft as an indispensable clinical and commercial software package.
EXCELENCE IN TECHNICAL SUPPORT Although medisoft is a medical clinic management program with no technical problems, our team of skilled professionals will answer your questions within the same day, if not within the hour.
SINCE WE UNDERSTAND YOUR NEEDS Medisoft was built in collaboration with many practitioners and clinic staff, enabling us to know what you need.
FREE PERIODIC PRODUCT UPDATES Ongoing optimization and the addition of new features are yours for free.
If you’ve never worked with Medical Practice Management Software Before: Decide now!.. We’ve got many years of experience in software for practice management with satisfied users and guarantee that this small investment will be quickly recovered.
If you’ve already used other Practice Management software But it didn’t work:
It’s your lucky day!.. Take this second chance, if your old program was difficult to use, did not adapt to your needs or, even worse, lost your valuable time and information. Medisoftwill give you the necessary peace of mind to dedicate your time only to take care of your patients.
Not as you did in old days………
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Increased patient welfare, decrease in fatalities. more efficient and effective use of personnel, increase in patient satisfaction. effective accounting process. significantly improved ROI (Return on Investment), and reduce costs by eliminating manual functions by staff.
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033 22 58 250, 033 22 47 235
Bringing Wireless to a Wired World
What Is a Wireless Network? Catching Up with Wired Networks
In the past, some believed wired networks were faster and more secure than wireless networks. But continual enhancements to wireless networking standards and technologies have eroded those speed and security differences. more...
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The Team of Dinsara Systems.
Our service is for Networking, Software and Accounting Solutions, and those integrate all facets of your business, allowing you to focus on your real work. more..